Class IfcFile

Nested Relationships

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Class Documentation

class IfcParse::IfcFile

This class provides several static convenience functions and variables and provide access to the entities in an IFC file

Subclassed by IfcHierarchyHelper< Schema >

Public Types

typedef std::map<const IfcParse::declaration*, IfcEntityList::ptr> entities_by_type_t
typedef boost::unordered_map<unsigned int, IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass*> entity_by_id_t
typedef std::map<std::string, IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass*> entity_by_guid_t
typedef std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>> entities_by_ref_t
typedef std::map<unsigned int, IfcEntityList::ptr> ref_map_t
typedef entity_by_id_t::const_iterator const_iterator

Public Functions

IfcFile(const std::string &fn)
IfcFile(std::istream &fn, int len)
IfcFile(void *data, int len)
IfcFile(IfcParse::IfcSpfStream *f)
IfcFile(const IfcParse::schema_definition *schema = IfcParse::schema_by_name("IFC4"))
bool good() const
const_iterator begin() const

Returns the first entity in the file, this probably is the entity with the lowest id (EXPRESS ENTITY_INSTANCE_NAME)

const_iterator end() const

Returns the last entity in the file, this probably is the entity with the highest id (EXPRESS ENTITY_INSTANCE_NAME)

type_iterator types_begin() const
type_iterator types_end() const
type_iterator types_incl_super_begin() const
type_iterator types_incl_super_end() const
template<class T>
T::list::ptr instances_by_type()

Returns all entities in the file that match the template argument. NOTE: This also returns subtypes of the requested type, for example: IfcWall will also return IfcWallStandardCase entities

template<class T>
T::list::ptr instances_by_type_excl_subtypes()
IfcEntityList::ptr instances_by_type(const IfcParse::declaration*)

Returns all entities in the file that match the positional argument. NOTE: This also returns subtypes of the requested type, for example: IfcWall will also return IfcWallStandardCase entities

IfcEntityList::ptr instances_by_type_excl_subtypes(const IfcParse::declaration*)

Returns all entities in the file that match the positional argument.

IfcEntityList::ptr instances_by_type(const std::string &t)

Returns all entities in the file that match the positional argument. NOTE: This also returns subtypes of the requested type, for example: IfcWall will also return IfcWallStandardCase entities

IfcEntityList::ptr instances_by_type_excl_subtypes(const std::string &t)

Returns all entities in the file that match the positional argument.

IfcEntityList::ptr instances_by_reference(int id)

Returns all entities in the file that reference the id.

IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass *instance_by_id(int id)

Returns the entity with the specified id.

IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass *instance_by_guid(const std::string &guid)

Returns the entity with the specified GlobalId.

IfcEntityList::ptr traverse(IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass *instance, int max_level = -1)

Performs a depth-first traversal, returning all entity instance attributes as a flat list. NB: includes the root instance specified in the first function argument.

IfcEntityList::ptr getInverse(int instance_id, const IfcParse::declaration *type, int attribute_index)
void mark_entity_as_modified(int id)

Marks entity as modified so that potential cache for it is invalidated.


Currently the whole cache is invalidated. Implement more fine-grained invalidation.

unsigned int FreshId()
IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass *addEntity(IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass *entity)
void addEntities(IfcEntityList::ptr es)
void removeEntity(IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass *entity)

Removes entity instance from file and unsets references.

Attention when running removeEntity inside a loop over a list of entities to be removed. This invalidates the iterator. A workaround is to reverse the loop: boost::shared_ptr<IfcEntityList> entities = …; for (auto it = entities->end() - 1; it >= entities->begin(); it) { IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass *const inst = *it; model->removeEntity(inst); }

const IfcSpfHeader &header() const
IfcSpfHeader &header()
std::string createTimestamp() const
size_t load(unsigned entity_instance_name, Argument **&attributes, size_t num_attributes)
void seek_to(const IfcEntityInstanceData &data)
void try_read_semicolon()
void register_inverse(unsigned, Token)
void register_inverse(unsigned, IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass*)
void unregister_inverse(unsigned, IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass*)
const IfcParse::schema_definition *schema() const
std::pair<IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass*, double> getUnit(const std::string &unit_type)
bool parsing_complete() const
bool &parsing_complete()
void build_inverses()

Public Members

IfcParse::IfcSpfLexer *tokens
IfcParse::IfcSpfStream *stream
class type_iterator : private const_iterator

Public Functions

type_iterator(const entities_by_type_t::const_iterator &it)
const entities_by_type_t::key_type *operator->() const
const entities_by_type_t::key_type &operator*() const
type_iterator &operator++()
type_iterator operator++(int)
bool operator!=(const type_iterator &other) const