Struct Ifc4x3_rc1::IfcSensorTypeEnum

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Struct Ifc4x3_rc1.

Struct Documentation

struct Ifc4x3_rc1::IfcSensorTypeEnum

Public Types

enum Value

The IfcSensorTypeEnum defines the range of different types of sensor that can be specified.

HISTORY: New type in IFC R2.0. Added missing enumerations in IFC2x4


CONDUCTANCESENSOR: A device that senses or detects electrical conductance. CONTACTSENSOR: A device that senses or detects contact, such as for detecting if a door is closed. FIRESENSOR: A device that senses or detects fire. FLOWSENSOR: A device that senses or detects flow in a fluid. GASSENSOR: A device that senses or detects gas concentration. HEATSENSOR: A device that senses or detects heat. IONCONCENTRATIONSENSOR: A device that senses or detects ion concentration, such as for water hardness. LEVELSENSOR: A device that senses or detects fill level, such as for a tank. HUMIDITYSENSOR: A device that senses or detects humidity. LIGHTSENSOR: A device that senses or detects light. MOISTURESENSOR: A device that senses or detects moisture. MOVEMENTSENSOR: A device that senses or detects movement.

PHSENSOR: A device that senses or detects acidity. PRESSURESENSOR: A device that senses or detects pressure. RADIATIONSENSOR: A device that senses or detects electromagnetic radiation. RADIOACTIVITYSENSOR: A device that senses or detects atomic decay. SMOKESENSOR: A device that senses or detects smoke. SOUNDSENSOR: A device that senses or detects sound.

TEMPERATURESENSOR: A device that senses or detects temperature. WINDSENSOR: A device that senses or detects airflow speed and direction. USERDEFINED: User-defined type. NOTDEFINED: Undefined type.


enumerator IfcSensorType_COSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_CO2SENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_CONDUCTANCESENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_CONTACTSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_FIRESENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_FLOWSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_FROSTSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_GASSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_HEATSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_HUMIDITYSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_IDENTIFIERSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_LEVELSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_LIGHTSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_MOISTURESENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_MOVEMENTSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_PHSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_PRESSURESENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_RADIATIONSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_RADIOACTIVITYSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_SMOKESENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_SOUNDSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_TEMPERATURESENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_WINDSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_EARTHQUAKESENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_OBSTACLESENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_RAINSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_SNOWDEPTHSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_TRAINSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_WHEELSENSOR
enumerator IfcSensorType_USERDEFINED
enumerator IfcSensorType_NOTDEFINED

Public Static Functions

IFC_PARSE_API const char *ToString(Value v)
IFC_PARSE_API Value FromString(const std::string &s)