Program Listing for File IfcGeomFilter.h

Return to documentation for file (src/ifcgeom_schema_agnostic/IfcGeomFilter.h)

 *                                                                              *
 * This file is part of IfcOpenShell.                                           *
 *                                                                              *
 * IfcOpenShell is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify         *
 * it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by  *
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3.0 of the License, or          *
 * (at your option) any later version.                                          *
 *                                                                              *
 * IfcOpenShell is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              *
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               *
 * Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                              *
 * You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License     *
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.         *
 *                                                                              *


#include "Kernel.h"
#include "../ifcparse/IfcFile.h"

#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>

#include <functional>

namespace IfcGeom {
    typedef boost::function<bool(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity*)> filter_t;

    struct filter
        filter() : include(false), traverse(false), traverse_openings(false) {}
        filter(bool incl, bool trav, bool trav_openings = false) : include(incl), traverse(trav), traverse_openings(trav_openings) {}
        bool include;
        bool traverse;
        bool traverse_openings;
        std::string description;

        bool match(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity* prod, const filter_t& pred) const {
            bool is_match = pred(prod);
            if (!is_match && traverse) {
                is_match = traverse_match(prod, pred);
            return is_match == include;

        bool traverse_match(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity* prod, const filter_t& pred) const
            IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity* parent, *current = prod;
            while ((parent = IfcGeom::Kernel::get_decomposing_entity(current, traverse_openings)) != nullptr) {
                if (pred(parent)) {
                    return true;
                current = parent;
            return false;

    struct wildcard_filter : public filter {
        wildcard_filter() : filter(false, false) {}
        wildcard_filter(bool include, bool traverse, const std::set<std::string>& patterns)
            : filter(include, traverse) {

        std::set<boost::regex> values;

        void populate(const std::set<std::string>& patterns) {
            for(auto& pattern: patterns) {

        bool match(const std::string &str) const { return match_values(values, str); }

        static bool match_values(const std::set<boost::regex>& values, const std::string &str) {
            for(auto& r: values) {
                if (boost::regex_match(str, r)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

        static boost::regex wildcard_string_to_regex(std::string str) {
            // Escape all non-"*?" regex special chars
            static const std::string special_chars = "\\^.$|()[]+/";
            for(auto c: special_chars) {
                std::string char_str(1, c);
                boost::replace_all(str, char_str, "\\" + char_str);
            // Convert "*?" to their regex equivalents
            boost::replace_all(str, "?", ".");
            boost::replace_all(str, "*", ".*");
            return boost::regex(str);

    struct attribute_filter : public wildcard_filter {
        std::string attribute_name;

        attribute_filter() {}
        attribute_filter(const std::string& attribute_name)
            : attribute_name(attribute_name) {}

        std::string value(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity* prod) const {
            try {
                return (std::string) *prod->get(attribute_name);
            } catch (...) {
                // Either
                // (a) not an attribute name for this entity instance
                // (b) not a string attribute
                // (c) null for this entity instance
                // @todo: validate the filters with a reference to the schema
                //        probably in IfcGeomIteratorImplementation
                return "<invalid>";

        bool match(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity* prod) const {
            return wildcard_filter::match(value(prod));

        bool operator()(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity* prod) const {
            return filter::match(prod, std::bind(&attribute_filter::match, this, std::placeholders::_1));

        void update_description() {
            std::stringstream ss;

            ss << (traverse ? "traverse " : "") << (include ? "include" : "exclude");
            std::vector<std::string> patterns;
            for (auto& r : values) {
                patterns.push_back("\"" + r.str() + "\"");

            ss << " " << attribute_name;
            ss << " values " << boost::algorithm::join(patterns, " ");

            description = ss.str();

    struct layer_filter : public wildcard_filter {
        typedef std::map<std::string, IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity*> layer_map_t;

        layer_filter() {}
        layer_filter(bool include, bool traverse, const std::set<std::string>& patterns)
            : wildcard_filter(include, traverse, patterns) {}

        bool match(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity* prod) const {
            layer_map_t layers = IfcGeom::Kernel::get_layers(prod);
            return std::find_if(layers.begin(), layers.end(), wildcards_match(values)) != layers.end();

        bool operator()(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity* prod) const {
            return filter::match(prod, std::bind(&layer_filter::match, this, std::placeholders::_1));

        struct wildcards_match {
            wildcards_match(const std::set<boost::regex>& patterns) : patterns(patterns) {}
            bool operator()(const layer_map_t::value_type& layer_map_value) const {
                return wildcard_filter::match_values(patterns, layer_map_value.first);

            std::set<boost::regex> patterns;

        void update_description() {
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << (traverse ? "traverse " : "") << (include ? "include" : "exclude") << " layers";
            std::vector<std::string> str_values;
            BOOST_FOREACH(const boost::regex& r, values) {
                str_values.push_back(" \"" + r.str() + "\"");
            ss << boost::algorithm::join(str_values, " ");
            description = ss.str();

    struct entity_filter : public filter {
        std::set<std::string> entity_names;

        entity_filter() {}
        entity_filter(bool include, bool traverse, const std::set<std::string>& entity_names)
            : filter(include, traverse)
            , entity_names(entity_names) {}

        bool match(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity* prod) const {
            // The set is iterated over to able to filter on subtypes.
            for (auto& name : entity_names) {
                if (prod->declaration().is(name)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

        bool operator()(IfcUtil::IfcBaseEntity* prod) const {
            return filter::match(prod, std::bind(&entity_filter::match, this, std::placeholders::_1));

        void update_description() {
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << (traverse ? "traverse " : "") << (include ? "include" : "exclude") << " entities";
            for (auto& name : entity_names) {
                ss << " " << name;
            description = ss.str();
