Program Listing for File IfcGeomIteratorImplementation.h

Return to documentation for file (src/ifcgeom/IfcGeomIteratorImplementation.h)

 *                                                                              *
 * This file is part of IfcOpenShell.                                           *
 *                                                                              *
 * IfcOpenShell is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify         *
 * it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by  *
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3.0 of the License, or          *
 * (at your option) any later version.                                          *
 *                                                                              *
 * IfcOpenShell is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              *
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               *
 * Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                              *
 * You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License     *
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.         *
 *                                                                              *

 *                                                                              *
 * Geometrical data in an IFC file consists of shapes (IfcShapeRepresentation)  *
 * and instances (SUBTYPE OF IfcBuildingElement e.g. IfcWindow).                *
 *                                                                              *
 * IfcGeom::Representation::Triangulation is a class that represents a          *
 * triangulated IfcShapeRepresentation.                                         *
 *   Triangulation.verts is a 1 dimensional vector of float defining the        *
 *      cartesian coordinates of the vertices of the triangulated shape in the  *
 *      format of [x1,y1,z1,..,xn,yn,zn]                                        *
 *   Triangulation.faces is a 1 dimensional vector of int containing the        *
 *     indices of the triangles referencing positions in Triangulation.verts    *
 *   Triangulation.edges is a 1 dimensional vector of int in {0,1} that dictates*
 *     the visibility of the edges that span the faces in Triangulation.faces   *
 *                                                                              *
 * IfcGeom::Element represents the actual IfcBuildingElements.                  *
 * is the GUID of the element                              *
 *   IfcGeomObject.type is the datatype of the element e.g. IfcWindow           *
 *   IfcGeomObject.mesh is a pointer to an IfcMesh                              *
 *   IfcGeomObject.transformation.matrix is a 4x3 matrix that defines the       *
 *     orientation and translation of the mesh in relation to the world origin  *
 *                                                                              *
 * IfcGeom::Iterator::initialize()                                              *
 *   finds the most suitable representation contexts. Returns true iff          *
 *   at least a single representation will process successfully                 *
 *                                                                              *
 * IfcGeom::Iterator::get()                                                     *
 *   returns a pointer to the current IfcGeom::Element                          *
 *                                                                              *
 * IfcGeom::Iterator::next()                                                    *
 *   returns true iff a following entity is available for a successive call to  *
 *   IfcGeom::Iterator::get()                                                   *
 *                                                                              *
 * IfcGeom::Iterator::progress()                                                *
 *   returns an int in [0..100] that indicates the overall progress             *
 *                                                                              *


#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>

#include <future>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>

#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

#include <gp_Mat.hxx>
#include <gp_Mat2d.hxx>
#include <gp_GTrsf.hxx>
#include <gp_GTrsf2d.hxx>
#include <gp_Trsf.hxx>
#include <gp_Trsf2d.hxx>

#include "../ifcparse/IfcFile.h"

#include "../ifcgeom/IfcGeom.h"
#include "../ifcgeom/IfcGeomElement.h"
#include "../ifcgeom_schema_agnostic/IfcGeomMaterial.h"
#include "../ifcgeom/IfcGeomIteratorSettings.h"
#include "../ifcgeom/IfcRepresentationShapeItem.h"

#include "../ifcgeom_schema_agnostic/IfcGeomFilter.h"
#include "../ifcgeom_schema_agnostic/IteratorImplementation.h"

#include <atomic>

// The infamous min & max Win32 #defines can leak here from OCE depending on the build configuration
#ifdef min
#undef min
#ifdef max
#undef max

namespace {
    template <typename P, typename PP=P>
    struct geometry_conversion_task {
        int index;
        IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation *representation;
        IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list::ptr products;
        std::vector<IfcGeom::BRepElement<P, PP>*> breps;
        std::vector<IfcGeom::Element<P, PP>*> elements;

    template <typename P, typename PP=P>
    IfcGeom::Element<P, PP>* process_based_on_settings(
        const IfcGeom::IteratorSettings& settings,
        IfcGeom::BRepElement<P, PP>* elem,
        IfcGeom::TriangulationElement<P, PP>* previous=nullptr)
        if (settings.get(IfcGeom::IteratorSettings::USE_BREP_DATA)) {
            try {
                return new IfcGeom::SerializedElement<P, PP>(*elem);
            } catch (...) {
                Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_ERROR, "Getting a serialized element from model failed.");
                return nullptr;
        } else if (!settings.get(IfcGeom::IteratorSettings::DISABLE_TRIANGULATION)) {
            try {
                if (!previous) {
                    return  new IfcGeom::TriangulationElement<P, PP>(*elem);
                } else {
                    return  new IfcGeom::TriangulationElement<P, PP>(*elem, previous->geometry_pointer());
            } catch (...) {
                Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_ERROR, "Getting a triangulation element from model failed.");
                return nullptr;
        } else {
            return elem;

    template <typename P, typename PP = P>
    void create_element(
        IfcGeom::MAKE_TYPE_NAME(Kernel)* kernel,
        const IfcGeom::IteratorSettings& settings,
        geometry_conversion_task<P, PP>* rep)
        IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation *representation = rep->representation;
        IfcSchema::IfcProduct *product = *rep->products->begin();
        auto brep = kernel->create_brep_for_representation_and_product<P, PP>(settings, representation, product);
        if (!brep) {

        auto elem = process_based_on_settings(settings, brep);
        if (!elem) {

        rep->breps = { brep };
        rep->elements = { elem };

        for (auto it = rep->products->begin() + 1; it != rep->products->end(); ++it) {
            auto brep2 = kernel->create_brep_for_processed_representation<P, PP>(settings, representation, *it, brep);
            if (brep2) {
                auto elem2 = process_based_on_settings(settings, brep2, dynamic_cast<IfcGeom::TriangulationElement<P, PP>*>(elem));
                if (elem2) {

namespace IfcGeom {

    template <typename P, typename PP>
    class MAKE_TYPE_NAME(IteratorImplementation_) : public IteratorImplementation<P, PP> {

        std::atomic<int> progress_;
        std::vector<geometry_conversion_task<P, PP>> tasks_;
        std::vector<IfcGeom::Element<P, PP>*> all_processed_elements_;
        std::vector<IfcGeom::BRepElement<P, PP>*> all_processed_native_elements_;
        typename std::vector<IfcGeom::Element<P, PP>*>::const_iterator task_result_iterator_;
        typename std::vector<IfcGeom::BRepElement<P, PP>*>::const_iterator native_task_result_iterator_;

        MAKE_TYPE_NAME(IteratorImplementation_)(const MAKE_TYPE_NAME(IteratorImplementation_)&); // N/I
        MAKE_TYPE_NAME(IteratorImplementation_)& operator=(const MAKE_TYPE_NAME(IteratorImplementation_)&); // N/I

        MAKE_TYPE_NAME(Kernel) kernel;

        IteratorSettings settings;
        IfcParse::IfcFile* ifc_file;
        std::vector<filter_t> filters_;
        bool owns_ifc_file;
        int num_threads_;

        // A container and iterator for IfcRepresentations
        IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation::list::ptr representations;
        IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation::list::it representation_iterator;

        // The object is fetched beforehand to be sure that get() returns a valid element
        TriangulationElement<P, PP>* current_triangulation;
        BRepElement<P, PP>* current_shape_model;
        SerializedElement<P, PP>* current_serialization;

        // A container and iterator for IfcBuildingElements for the current IfcRepresentation referenced by *representation_iterator
        IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list::ptr ifcproducts;
        IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list::it ifcproduct_iterator;

        IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation::list::ptr ok_mapped_representations;

        int done;
        int total;

        std::string unit_name;
        double unit_magnitude;

        gp_XYZ bounds_min_;
        gp_XYZ bounds_max_;

        struct filter_match
            filter_match(IfcSchema::IfcProduct *prod) : product(prod) {}
            bool operator()(const filter_t& filter) const { return filter(product);  }

            IfcSchema::IfcProduct* product;

        void initUnits() {
            IfcSchema::IfcProject::list::ptr projects = ifc_file->instances_by_type<IfcSchema::IfcProject>();
            if (projects->size() == 1) {
                IfcSchema::IfcProject* project = *projects->begin();
                std::pair<std::string, double> length_unit = kernel.initializeUnits(project->UnitsInContext());
                unit_name = length_unit.first;
                unit_magnitude = length_unit.second;
            } else {
                Logger::Warning("A single IfcProject is expected (encountered " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(projects->size()) + "); unable to read unit information.");

        typedef P Precision;
        typedef PP PlacementPrecision;

        boost::optional<bool> initialization_outcome_;

        bool initialize() {
            if (initialization_outcome_) {
                return *initialization_outcome_;

            try {
            } catch (const std::exception& e) {

            std::set<std::string> allowed_context_types;

            std::set<std::string> context_types;
            if (!settings.get(IteratorSettings::EXCLUDE_SOLIDS_AND_SURFACES)) {
                // Really this should only be 'Model', as per
                // the standard 'Design' is deprecated. So,
                // just for backwards compatibility:
                // Some earlier (?) versions DDS-CAD output their own ContextTypes
                context_types.insert("model view");
                context_types.insert("detail view");
            if (settings.get(IteratorSettings::INCLUDE_CURVES)) {

            double lowest_precision_encountered = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
            bool any_precision_encountered = false;

            representations = IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation::list::ptr(new IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation::list);
            ok_mapped_representations = IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation::list::ptr(new IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation::list);

            IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationContext::list::it it;
            IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext::list::it jt;
            IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationContext::list::ptr contexts =

            IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationContext::list::ptr filtered_contexts (new IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationContext::list);

            for (it = contexts->begin(); it != contexts->end(); ++it) {
                IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationContext* context = *it;
                if (context->declaration().is(IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext::Class())) {
                    // Continue, as the list of subcontexts will be considered
                    // by the parent's context inverse attributes.
                try {
                    if (context->hasContextType()) {
                        std::string context_type = context->ContextType();

                        if (allowed_context_types.find(context_type) == allowed_context_types.end()) {
                            Logger::Warning(std::string("ContextType '") + context->ContextType() + "' not allowed:", context);
                        if (context_types.find(context_type) != context_types.end()) {
                } catch (const std::exception& e) {

            // In case no contexts are identified based on their ContextType, all contexts are
            // considered. Note that sub contexts are excluded as they are considered later on.
            if (filtered_contexts->size() == 0) {
                for (it = contexts->begin(); it != contexts->end(); ++it) {
                    IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationContext* context = *it;
                    if (!context->declaration().is(IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext::Class())) {

            for (it = filtered_contexts->begin(); it != filtered_contexts->end(); ++it) {
                IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationContext* context = *it;

                try {
                    if (context->hasPrecision() && context->Precision() < lowest_precision_encountered) {
                        lowest_precision_encountered = context->Precision();
                        any_precision_encountered = true;
                } catch (const std::exception& e) {

                IfcSchema::IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext::list::ptr sub_contexts = context->HasSubContexts();
                for (jt = sub_contexts->begin(); jt != sub_contexts->end(); ++jt) {
                // There is no need for full recursion as the following is governed by the schema:
                // WR31: The parent context shall not be another geometric representation sub context.

            if (any_precision_encountered) {
                // Some arbitrary factor that has proven to work better for the models in the set of test files.
                lowest_precision_encountered *= 10.;

                lowest_precision_encountered *= unit_magnitude;
                if (lowest_precision_encountered < 1.e-7) {
                    Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING, "Precision lower than 0.0000001 meter not enforced");
                    kernel.setValue(IfcGeom::Kernel::GV_PRECISION, 1.e-7);
                } else {
                    kernel.setValue(IfcGeom::Kernel::GV_PRECISION, lowest_precision_encountered);
            } else {
                kernel.setValue(IfcGeom::Kernel::GV_PRECISION, 1.e-5);

            if (representations->size() == 0) {
                Logger::Warning("No representations encountered in relevant contexts, using all");
                representations = ifc_file->instances_by_type<IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation>();

            if (representations->size() == 0) {
                Logger::Warning("No representations encountered, aborting");
                initialization_outcome_ = false;
            } else {
                representation_iterator = representations->begin();

                done = 0;
                total = representations->size();

                if (num_threads_ != 1) {

                    initialization_outcome_ = !all_processed_elements_.empty();
                } else {
                    initialization_outcome_ = create();

            return *initialization_outcome_;

        void collect() {
            int i = 0;
            IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list* previous = nullptr;
            while (auto rp = try_get_next_task()) {
                // Note that get_next_task() mutates the state of the iterator
                // we use that capture all products that can be processed as
                // part of this representation and then keep iterating until
                // the underlying list of products changes.
                if (ifcproducts.get() != previous) {
                    previous = ifcproducts.get();
                    if (ifcproducts->size()) {
                        geometry_conversion_task<P, PP> t;
                        t.index = i++;
                        t.representation = *representation_iterator;
                        t.products = ifcproducts;

                if (rp->which() == 1) {


        void process_concurrently() {
            size_t conc_threads = num_threads_;
            if (conc_threads > tasks_.size()) {
                conc_threads = tasks_.size();

            std::vector<MAKE_TYPE_NAME(Kernel)*> kernel_pool;
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < conc_threads; ++i) {
                kernel_pool.push_back(new MAKE_TYPE_NAME(Kernel)(kernel));

            std::vector<std::future<void>> threadpool;

            int old_progress = -1;
            int processed = 0;


            for (auto& rep : tasks_) {
                MAKE_TYPE_NAME(Kernel)* K = nullptr;
                if (threadpool.size() < kernel_pool.size()) {
                    K = kernel_pool[threadpool.size()];

                while (threadpool.size() == conc_threads) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)threadpool.size(); i++) {
                        std::future<void> &fu = threadpool[i];
                        std::future_status status;
                        status = fu.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0));
                        if (status == std::future_status::ready) {

                            processed += 1;
                            progress_ = processed * 50 / tasks_.size();
                            if (progress_ != old_progress) {
                                old_progress = progress_;

                            std::swap(threadpool[i], threadpool.back());
                            std::swap(kernel_pool[i], kernel_pool.back());
                            K = kernel_pool.back();
                        } // if
                    }   // for
                }     // while

                std::future<void> fu = std::async(std::launch::async, create_element<P, PP>, K, std::ref(settings), &rep);

            for (std::future<void> &fu : threadpool) {

                processed += 1;
                progress_ = processed * 50 / tasks_.size();
                if (progress_ != old_progress) {
                    old_progress = progress_;

            for (auto& rep : tasks_) {
                all_processed_elements_.insert(all_processed_elements_.end(), rep.elements.begin(), rep.elements.end());
                all_processed_native_elements_.insert(all_processed_native_elements_.end(), rep.breps.begin(), rep.breps.end());

            task_result_iterator_ = all_processed_elements_.begin();
            native_task_result_iterator_ = all_processed_native_elements_.begin();

            Logger::Status("\rDone creating geometry (" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(all_processed_elements_.size()) +
                " objects)                                ");

        void compute_bounds(bool with_geometry)
            for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
                bounds_min_.SetCoord(i, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
                bounds_max_.SetCoord(i, -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());

            if (with_geometry) {
                size_t num_created = 0;
                do {
                    IfcGeom::Element<P, PP>* geom_object = get();
                    const IfcGeom::TriangulationElement<P, PP>* o = static_cast<const IfcGeom::TriangulationElement<P, PP>*>(geom_object);
                    const IfcGeom::Representation::Triangulation<P>& mesh = o->geometry();
                    const gp_XYZ& pos = o->transformation().data().TranslationPart();

                    for (typename std::vector<P>::const_iterator it = mesh.verts().begin(); it != mesh.verts().end();) {
                        const P x = *(it++);
                        const P y = *(it++);
                        const P z = *(it++);

                        bounds_min_.SetX(std::min(bounds_min_.X(), pos.X() + x));
                        bounds_min_.SetY(std::min(bounds_min_.Y(), pos.Y() + y));
                        bounds_min_.SetZ(std::min(bounds_min_.Z(), pos.Z() + z));
                        bounds_max_.SetX(std::max(bounds_max_.X(), pos.X() + x));
                        bounds_max_.SetY(std::max(bounds_max_.Y(), pos.Y() + y));
                        bounds_max_.SetZ(std::max(bounds_max_.Z(), pos.Z() + z));
                } while (++num_created, next());
            } else {
                IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list::ptr products = ifc_file->instances_by_type<IfcSchema::IfcProduct>();
                for (IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list::it iter = products->begin(); iter != products->end(); ++iter) {
                    IfcSchema::IfcProduct* product = *iter;
                    if (product->hasObjectPlacement()) {
                        // Use a fresh trsf every time in order to prevent the result to be concatenated
                        gp_Trsf trsf;
                        bool success = false;

                        try {
                            success = kernel.convert(product->ObjectPlacement(), trsf);
                        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
                        } catch (...) {
                            Logger::Error("Failed to construct placement");

                        if (!success) {

                        const gp_XYZ& pos = trsf.TranslationPart();
                        bounds_min_.SetX(std::min(bounds_min_.X(), pos.X()));
                        bounds_min_.SetY(std::min(bounds_min_.Y(), pos.Y()));
                        bounds_min_.SetZ(std::min(bounds_min_.Z(), pos.Z()));
                        bounds_max_.SetX(std::max(bounds_max_.X(), pos.X()));
                        bounds_max_.SetY(std::max(bounds_max_.Y(), pos.Y()));
                        bounds_max_.SetZ(std::max(bounds_max_.Z(), pos.Z()));

        int progress() const {
            if (num_threads_ == 1) {
                return 100 * done / total;
            } else {
                return progress_;

        const std::string& getUnitName() const { return unit_name; }

        double getUnitMagnitude() const { return unit_magnitude; }

        std::string getLog() const { return Logger::GetLog(); }

        IfcParse::IfcFile* file() const { return ifc_file; }

        const std::vector<IfcGeom::filter_t>& filters() const { return filters_; }
        std::vector<IfcGeom::filter_t>& filters() { return filters_; }

        const gp_XYZ& bounds_min() const { return bounds_min_; }
        const gp_XYZ& bounds_max() const { return bounds_max_; }

        // Move to the next IfcRepresentation
        void _nextShape() {
            // In order to conserve memory and reduce cache insertion times, the cache is
            // cleared after an arbitrary number of processed representations. This has been
            // benchmarked extensively:
            static const int clear_interval = 64;
            if (done % clear_interval == clear_interval - 1) {
            ++ representation_iterator;
            ++ done;

        bool geometry_reuse_ok_for_current_representation_;

        bool reuse_ok_(const IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list::ptr& products) {
            // With world coords enabled, object transformations are directly applied to
            // the BRep. There is no way to re-use the geometry for multiple products.
            if (settings.get(IteratorSettings::USE_WORLD_COORDS)) {
                return false;

            std::set<const IfcSchema::IfcMaterial*> associated_single_materials;

            for (IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list::it it = products->begin(); it != products->end(); ++it) {
                IfcSchema::IfcProduct* product = *it;

                if (!settings.get(IteratorSettings::DISABLE_OPENING_SUBTRACTIONS) && kernel.find_openings(product)->size()) {
                    return false;

                if (settings.get(IteratorSettings::APPLY_LAYERSETS)) {
                    IfcSchema::IfcRelAssociates::list::ptr associations = product->HasAssociations();
                    for (IfcSchema::IfcRelAssociates::list::it jt = associations->begin(); jt != associations->end(); ++jt) {
                        IfcSchema::IfcRelAssociatesMaterial* assoc = (*jt)->as<IfcSchema::IfcRelAssociatesMaterial>();
                        if (assoc) {
                            if (assoc->RelatingMaterial()->declaration().is(IfcSchema::IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage::Class())) {
                                // TODO: Check whether single layer?
                                return false;

                // Note that this can be a nullptr (!), but the fact that set size should be one still holds
                if (associated_single_materials.size() > 1) return false;

            return associated_single_materials.size() == 1;

        boost::optional<boost::variant<std::pair<IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation*, IfcSchema::IfcProduct*>,IfcParse::IfcException>> try_get_next_task() {
                std::pair<IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation*, IfcSchema::IfcProduct*>,
            > r;
            try {
                auto p = get_next_task();
                if (p) {
                    r = *p;
                } else {
                    return boost::none;
            } catch (IfcParse::IfcException& e) {
                r = e;
            } catch (...) {
                r = IfcParse::IfcException("Unknown error");
            return r;

        boost::optional<std::pair<IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation*, IfcSchema::IfcProduct*>> get_next_task() {
            for (;;) {
                IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation* representation;

                if (representation_iterator == representations->end()) {
                    return boost::none; // reached the end of our list of representations
                representation = *representation_iterator;

                if (!ifcproducts) {
                    // Init. the list of filtered IfcProducts for this representation
                    ifcproducts = IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list::ptr(new IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list);
                    IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list::ptr unfiltered_products = kernel.products_represented_by(representation);
                    // Include only the desired products for processing.
                    for (IfcSchema::IfcProduct::list::it jt = unfiltered_products->begin(); jt != unfiltered_products->end(); ++jt) {
                        IfcSchema::IfcProduct* prod = *jt;
                        if (boost::all(filters_, filter_match(prod))) {

                    if (ifcproducts->size() == 0) {

                    geometry_reuse_ok_for_current_representation_ = reuse_ok_(ifcproducts);

                    IfcSchema::IfcRepresentationMap::list::ptr maps = representation->RepresentationMap();

                    if (!geometry_reuse_ok_for_current_representation_ && maps->size() == 1) {
                        // unfiltered_products contains products represented by this representation by means of mapped items.
                        // For example because of openings applied to products, reuse might not be acceptable and then the
                        // products will be processed by means of their immediate representation and not the mapped representation.

                        // IfcRepresentationMaps are also used for IfcTypeProducts, so an additional check is performed whether the map
                        // is indeed used by IfcMappedItems.
                        IfcSchema::IfcRepresentationMap* map = *maps->begin();
                        if (map->MapUsage()->size() > 0) {

                    // Check if this represenation has (or will be) processed as part its mapped representation
                    bool representation_processed_as_mapped_item = false;
                    IfcSchema::IfcRepresentation* representation_mapped_to = kernel.representation_mapped_to(representation);
                    if (representation_mapped_to) {
                        representation_processed_as_mapped_item = geometry_reuse_ok_for_current_representation_ && (
                            ok_mapped_representations->contains(representation_mapped_to) || reuse_ok_(kernel.products_represented_by(representation_mapped_to)));

                    if (representation_processed_as_mapped_item) {

                    ifcproduct_iterator = ifcproducts->begin();

                // Have we reached the end of our list of IfcProducts?
                if (ifcproduct_iterator == ifcproducts->end()) {

                IfcSchema::IfcProduct* product = *ifcproduct_iterator;

                return std::make_pair(representation, product);

        BRepElement<P, PP>* create_shape_model_for_next_entity() {
            for (;;) {
                auto rp = get_next_task();
                if (!rp) {
                    return nullptr;
                auto representation = rp->first;
                auto product = rp->second;


                BRepElement<P, PP>* element;
                if (ifcproduct_iterator == ifcproducts->begin() || !geometry_reuse_ok_for_current_representation_) {
                    element = kernel.create_brep_for_representation_and_product<P, PP>(settings, representation, product);
                } else {
                    element = kernel.create_brep_for_processed_representation(settings, representation, product, current_shape_model);


                if (!element) {

                return element;

        void free_shapes() {
            // Free all possible representations of the current geometrical entity
            delete current_triangulation;
            current_triangulation = 0;
            delete current_serialization;
            current_serialization = 0;
            delete current_shape_model;
            current_shape_model = 0;

        //IfcSchema::IfcProduct* peek_next() const
        //    if (ifcproducts && ifcproduct_iterator + 1 != ifcproducts->end()){
        //        return *(ifcproduct_iterator + 1);
        //    } else {
        //        return 0;
        //    }

        //void skip_next() { if (ifcproducts) { ++ifcproduct_iterator; } }

        IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass* next() {
            if (num_threads_ != 1) {
                if (task_result_iterator_ == all_processed_elements_.end()) {
                    return nullptr;
                } else {
                    return (*task_result_iterator_)->product();
            } else {
                // Increment the iterator over the list of products using the current
                // shape representation
                if (ifcproducts) {

                return create();

        Element<P, PP>* get()
            // TODO: Test settings and throw
            Element<P, PP>* ret = 0;

            if (num_threads_ != 1) {
                ret = *task_result_iterator_;
            } else {
                if (current_triangulation) {
                    ret = current_triangulation;
                } else if (current_serialization) {
                    ret = current_serialization;
                } else if (current_shape_model) {
                    ret = current_shape_model;

            // If we want to organize the element considering their hierarchy
            if (settings.get(IteratorSettings::SEARCH_FLOOR))
                // We are going to build a vector with the element parents.
                // First, create the parent vector
                std::vector<const IfcGeom::Element<P, PP>*> parents;

                // if the element has a parent
                if (ret->parent_id() != -1)
                    const IfcGeom::Element<P, PP>* parent_object = NULL;
                    bool hasParent = true;

                    // get the parent
                    try {
                        parent_object = get_object(ret->parent_id());
                    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
                        hasParent = false;

                    // Add the previously found parent to the vector
                    if (hasParent) parents.insert(parents.begin(), parent_object);

                    // We need to find all the parents
                    while (parent_object != NULL && hasParent && parent_object->parent_id() != -1)
                        // Find the next parent
                        try {
                            parent_object = get_object(parent_object->parent_id());
                        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
                            hasParent = false;

                        // Add the previously found parent to the vector
                        if (hasParent) parents.insert(parents.begin(), parent_object);

                        hasParent = hasParent && parent_object->parent_id() != -1;

                    // when done push the parent list in the Element object

            return ret;

        BRepElement<P, PP>* get_native()
            // TODO: Test settings and throw
            if (num_threads_ != 1) {
                return *native_task_result_iterator_;
            } else {
                return current_shape_model;

        const Element<P, PP>* get_object(int id) {
            gp_Trsf trsf;
            int parent_id = -1;
            std::string instance_type, product_name, product_guid;
            IfcSchema::IfcProduct* ifc_product = 0;

            try {
                IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass* ifc_entity = ifc_file->instance_by_id(id);
                instance_type = ifc_entity->declaration().name();

                if (ifc_entity->declaration().is(IfcSchema::IfcRoot::Class())) {
                    IfcSchema::IfcRoot* ifc_root = ifc_entity->as<IfcSchema::IfcRoot>();
                    product_guid = ifc_root->GlobalId();
                    product_name = ifc_root->hasName() ? ifc_root->Name() : "";

                if (ifc_entity->declaration().is(IfcSchema::IfcProduct::Class())) {
                    ifc_product = ifc_entity->as<IfcSchema::IfcProduct>();
                    parent_id = -1;
                    try {
                        IfcSchema::IfcObjectDefinition* parent_object = kernel.get_decomposing_entity(ifc_product)->template as<IfcSchema::IfcObjectDefinition>();
                        if (parent_object) {
                            parent_id = parent_object->data().id();
                    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
                    } catch (...) {
                        Logger::Error("Failed to find decomposing entity");

                    try {
                        kernel.convert(ifc_product->ObjectPlacement(), trsf);
                    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
                    } catch (...) {
                        Logger::Error("Failed to construct placement");
            } catch (const std::exception& e) {
            } catch (const Standard_Failure& e) {
                if (e.GetMessageString() && strlen(e.GetMessageString())) {
                } else {
                    Logger::Error("Unknown error returning product");
            } catch (...) {
                Logger::Error("Unknown error returning product");

            ElementSettings element_settings(settings, unit_magnitude, instance_type);

            Element<P, PP>* ifc_object = new Element<P, PP>(element_settings, id, parent_id, product_name, instance_type, product_guid, "", trsf, ifc_product);
            return ifc_object;

        IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass* create() {
            IfcGeom::BRepElement<P, PP>* next_shape_model = 0;
            IfcGeom::SerializedElement<P, PP>* next_serialization = 0;
            IfcGeom::TriangulationElement<P, PP>* next_triangulation = 0;

            try {
                next_shape_model = create_shape_model_for_next_entity();
            } catch (const std::exception& e) {
            } catch (const Standard_Failure& e) {
                if (e.GetMessageString() && strlen(e.GetMessageString())) {
                } else {
                    Logger::Error("Unknown error creating geometry");
            } catch (...) {
                Logger::Error("Unknown error creating geometry");

            if (next_shape_model) {
                if (settings.get(IteratorSettings::USE_BREP_DATA)) {
                    try {
                        next_serialization = new SerializedElement<P, PP>(*next_shape_model);
                    } catch (...) {
                        Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_ERROR, "Getting a serialized element from model failed.");
                } else if (!settings.get(IteratorSettings::DISABLE_TRIANGULATION)) {
                    try {
                        if (ifcproduct_iterator == ifcproducts->begin() || !geometry_reuse_ok_for_current_representation_) {
                            next_triangulation = new TriangulationElement<P, PP>(*next_shape_model);
                        } else {
                            next_triangulation = new TriangulationElement<P, PP>(*next_shape_model, current_triangulation->geometry_pointer());
                    } catch (...) {
                        Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_ERROR, "Getting a triangulation element from model failed.");


            current_shape_model = next_shape_model;
            current_serialization = next_serialization;
            current_triangulation = next_triangulation;

            return next_shape_model ? next_shape_model->product() : 0;
        void _initialize() {
            current_triangulation = 0;
            current_shape_model = 0;
            current_serialization = 0;

            unit_name = "METER";
            unit_magnitude = 1.f;

            kernel.setValue(IfcGeom::Kernel::GV_MAX_FACES_TO_ORIENT, settings.get(IteratorSettings::SEW_SHELLS) ? std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() : -1);
            kernel.setValue(IfcGeom::Kernel::GV_DIMENSIONALITY, (settings.get(IteratorSettings::INCLUDE_CURVES)
                ? (settings.get(IteratorSettings::EXCLUDE_SOLIDS_AND_SURFACES) ? -1. : 0.) : +1.));
                ? +1.0
                : -1.0
                ? +1.0
                : -1.0

            if (settings.get(IteratorSettings::BUILDING_LOCAL_PLACEMENT)) {
                if (settings.get(IteratorSettings::SITE_LOCAL_PLACEMENT)) {
                    Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING, "building-local-placement takes precedence over site-local-placement");
            } else if (settings.get(IteratorSettings::SITE_LOCAL_PLACEMENT)) {

        MAKE_TYPE_NAME(IteratorImplementation_)(const IteratorSettings& settings, IfcParse::IfcFile* file, const std::vector<IfcGeom::filter_t>& filters, int num_threads)
            : settings(settings)
            , ifc_file(file)
            , filters_(filters)
            , owns_ifc_file(false)
            , num_threads_(num_threads)

        ~MAKE_TYPE_NAME(IteratorImplementation_)() {
            if (owns_ifc_file) {
                delete ifc_file;

            if (!settings.get(IfcGeom::IteratorSettings::DISABLE_TRIANGULATION)) {
                for (auto& p : all_processed_native_elements_) {
                    delete p;

            for (auto& p : all_processed_elements_) {
                delete p;

