Class Ifc4::IfcRelNests¶
Defined in File Ifc4.h
Nested Relationships¶
This class is a nested type of Struct Ifc4.
Inheritance Relationships¶
Base Type¶
public Ifc4::IfcRelDecomposes
(Class Ifc4::IfcRelDecomposes)
Class Documentation¶
: public Ifc4::IfcRelDecomposes¶ The nesting relationship IfcRelNests is a special type of the general composition/decomposition (or whole/part) relationship IfcRelDecomposes. The nesting relationship can be applied to all non physical subtypes of object and object types, namely processes, controls (like cost items), and resources. The nesting implies an order among the nested parts. EXAMPLE1 A nesting of costs items in a cost schedule is the composition of complex cost items from other cost items. The order of the nested cost items underneath the parent cost item is determined by the order of the list of RelatedObjects. EXAMPLE2 A nesting of work tasks within a work schedule is the composition of a parent work task from more specific sub work tasks. The order of the sub tasks underneath the parent task is determined by the order of the list of RelatedObjects.. Decompositions imply a dependency, i.e. the definition of the whole depends on the definition of the parts and the parts depend on the existence of the whole. The behaviour that is implied from the dependency has to be established inside the applications.
HISTORY New entity in IFC Release 2.0
IFC2x4 CHANGE The attributes RelatingObject and RelatedObjects are demoted from the supertype IfcRelDecomposes, and RelatedObjects is refined to be a list. The use of IfcRelNests is repurposed to be a nesting of an ordered collections of parts.
Public Types
typedef IfcTemplatedEntityList<IfcRelNests>
Public Functions
::Ifc4::IfcObjectDefinition *
() const¶ The object definition, either an non-product object type or a non-product object occurrence, that represents the nest. It is the whole within the whole/part relationship.
IFC2x4 CHANGE The attribute has been demoted from the supertype IfcRelDecomposes and defines the ordered nesting relationship.
(::Ifc4::IfcObjectDefinition *v)¶
() const¶ The object definitions, either non-product object occurrences or non-product object types, that are being nestes. They are defined as the parts in the ordered whole/part relationship - i.e. there is an implied order among the parts expressed by the position within the list of RelatedObjects.
IFC2x4 CHANGE The attribute has been demoted from the supertype IfcRelDecomposes and defines the ordered set of parts within the nest.
(IfcTemplatedEntityList<::Ifc4::IfcObjectDefinition>::ptr v)¶
(IfcEntityInstanceData *e)¶
(std::string v1_GlobalId, ::Ifc4::IfcOwnerHistory *v2_OwnerHistory, boost::optional<std::string> v3_Name, boost::optional<std::string> v4_Description, ::Ifc4::IfcObjectDefinition *v5_RelatingObject, IfcTemplatedEntityList<::Ifc4::IfcObjectDefinition>::ptr v6_RelatedObjects)¶
typedef IfcTemplatedEntityList<IfcRelNests>