Class Ifc2x3::IfcWindowLiningProperties

Nested Relationships

This class is a nested type of Struct Ifc2x3.

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Ifc2x3::IfcWindowLiningProperties : public Ifc2x3::IfcPropertySetDefinition

The window lining is the outer frame which enables the window to be fixed in position. The window lining is used to hold the window panels or other casements. The parameter of the IfcWindowLiningProperties define the geometrically relevant parameter of the lining.

NOTE The IfcWindowLiningProperties shall only be applied to construct the 3D shape of a window, if the attribute IfcWindowStyle.ParameterTakesPrecedence is set TRUE.

The IfcWindowLiningProperties are included in the set of properties of IfcWindowStyle.HasPropertySets. More information about the window lining can be included in the same set of the IfcWindowStyle using another IfcPropertySet for dynamic extensions.

HISTORY New Entity in IFC Release 2.0. Has been renamed from IfcWindowLining in IFC Release 2x.

IFC2x4 CHANGE The following attributes have been added LiningOffset, LiningToPanelOffsetX, LiningToPanelOffsetY. The attribute ShapeAspectStyle is deprecated and shall no longer be used. Supertype changed to new IfcPreDefinedPropertySet.

Geometry use definitions The IfcWindowLiningProperties does not hold a geometric representation. However it defines parameters which can be used to create the shape of the window style (which is inserted by the IfcWindow into the spatial context of the project) as shown in Figure 175. The parameters at the IfcWindowLiningProperties define a standard window lining, including (if given) a mullion and a transom (for horizontal and vertical splits). The outer boundary of the lining is determined by the occurrence parameter assigned to the IfcWindow, which inserts the IfcWindowStyle.

The lining is applied to all faces of the opening reveal. The parameter are:

LiningDepth LiningThickness LiningOffset LiningToPanelOffsetX LiningToPanelOffsetY

NOTE Parameters added in IFC2x4.

Inner side is defined as the direction of the window panel opening operation.

If the OperationType of the window style is

DoublePanelVertical (shown) TriplePanelBottom TriplePanelTop TriplePanelLeft TriplePanelRight

the following additional parameter apply:

MullionThickness FirstMullionOffset - measured as offset to the Z axis (in XZ plane)

If the OperationType of the window style is

DoublePanelHorizontal TriplePanelBottom TriplePanelTop TriplePanelLeft TriplePanelRight

the following additional parameter apply

TransomThickness FirstTransomOffset measured as offset to the X axis (in XZ plane)

If the OperationType of the window style is


the following additional parameter apply


If the OperationType of the window style is


the following additional parameter apply


Figure 175 — Window lining properties


All offsets are given as a normalized ratio measure.

Public Functions

bool hasLiningDepth() const

Whether the optional attribute LiningDepth is defined for this IfcWindowLiningProperties.

double LiningDepth() const

Depth of the window lining (dimension measured perpendicular to window elevation plane).

void setLiningDepth(double v)
bool hasLiningThickness() const

Whether the optional attribute LiningThickness is defined for this IfcWindowLiningProperties.

double LiningThickness() const

Thickness of the window lining (measured parallel to the window elevation plane).

void setLiningThickness(double v)
bool hasTransomThickness() const

Whether the optional attribute TransomThickness is defined for this IfcWindowLiningProperties.

double TransomThickness() const

Thickness of the transom (horizontal separator of window panels within a window), measured parallel to the window elevation plane. The transom is part of the lining and the transom depth is assumed to be identical to the lining depth.

void setTransomThickness(double v)
bool hasMullionThickness() const

Whether the optional attribute MullionThickness is defined for this IfcWindowLiningProperties.

double MullionThickness() const

Thickness of the mullion (vertical separator of window panels within a window), measured parallel to the window elevation plane. The mullion is part of the lining and the mullion depth is assumed to be identical to the lining depth.

void setMullionThickness(double v)
bool hasFirstTransomOffset() const

Whether the optional attribute FirstTransomOffset is defined for this IfcWindowLiningProperties.

double FirstTransomOffset() const

Offset of the transom centerline, measured along the z-axis of the window placement co-ordinate system. An offset value = 0.5 indicates that the transom is positioned in the middle of the window.

void setFirstTransomOffset(double v)
bool hasSecondTransomOffset() const

Whether the optional attribute SecondTransomOffset is defined for this IfcWindowLiningProperties.

double SecondTransomOffset() const

Offset of the transom centerline for the second transom, measured along the x-axis of the window placement co-ordinate system. An offset value = 0.666 indicates that the second transom is positioned at two/third of the window.

void setSecondTransomOffset(double v)
bool hasFirstMullionOffset() const

Whether the optional attribute FirstMullionOffset is defined for this IfcWindowLiningProperties.

double FirstMullionOffset() const

Offset of the mullion centerline, measured along the x-axis of the window placement co-ordinate system. An offset value = 0.5 indicates that the mullion is positioned in the middle of the window.

void setFirstMullionOffset(double v)
bool hasSecondMullionOffset() const

Whether the optional attribute SecondMullionOffset is defined for this IfcWindowLiningProperties.

double SecondMullionOffset() const

Offset of the mullion centerline for the second mullion, measured along the x-axis of the window placement co-ordinate system. An offset value = 0.666 indicates that the second mullion is positioned at two/third of the window.

void setSecondMullionOffset(double v)
bool hasShapeAspectStyle() const

Whether the optional attribute ShapeAspectStyle is defined for this IfcWindowLiningProperties.

::Ifc2x3::IfcShapeAspect *ShapeAspectStyle() const

Optional link to a shape aspect definition, which points to the part of the geometric representation of the window style, which is used to represent the lining.

IFC2x4 CHANGE The attribute is deprecated and shall no longer be used, i.e. the value shall be NIL ($).

void setShapeAspectStyle(::Ifc2x3::IfcShapeAspect *v)
const IfcParse::entity &declaration() const
IfcWindowLiningProperties(IfcEntityInstanceData *e)
IfcWindowLiningProperties(std::string v1_GlobalId, ::Ifc2x3::IfcOwnerHistory *v2_OwnerHistory, boost::optional<std::string> v3_Name, boost::optional<std::string> v4_Description, boost::optional<double> v5_LiningDepth, boost::optional<double> v6_LiningThickness, boost::optional<double> v7_TransomThickness, boost::optional<double> v8_MullionThickness, boost::optional<double> v9_FirstTransomOffset, boost::optional<double> v10_SecondTransomOffset, boost::optional<double> v11_FirstMullionOffset, boost::optional<double> v12_SecondMullionOffset, ::Ifc2x3::IfcShapeAspect *v13_ShapeAspectStyle)

Public Static Functions

const IfcParse::entity &Class()